Rabu, 30 November 2016

Exclusive breastfeeding gives Lose Weight - Comp

Exclusive breastfeeding gives Lose Weight - Comp
Exclusive breastfeeding after the birth is widely agreed to be an easy way to get rid of excess fat during pregnancy. Another advantage is to reduce the risk of diabetes and a range of other health benefits for both mother and bayi.Dalam International Journal of Obesity, researchers found that the more often a woman gives birth, the higher the body mass index (BMI) of them. BMI is considered normal if from 18.5 to 24.9, and is said to be obese when BMI level of 30 or lebih.Kirsty Bobrow and colleagues from the University of Oxford, UK, evaluated information from 740,000 postmenopausal women who engage in Britain Million Women Study between 1996 and 2001 . the average age of them is 58 years old. Each participant was asked to report their height, weight, history of childbirth, including answering questions about Menyusui.Hasil analysis has shown, the more often a woman giving birth, body mass index tended to be higher. Among those who do not have children, the average BMI was 25.6 (having a little overweight). While women who had four or more children, the average BMI 27,2.Di among participants who had just given birth, breastfeeding, and 70 percent did so for an average of 7.7 months. Researchers found that breast-feeding for six months, the average level of 1 percent lower BMI. Although the decline was relatively small, but the impact is quite baik.Para researchers have several hypotheses about why breastfeeding helps control weight in the long term. One is about the so-called reset hypothesis. "" Breastfeeding may be involved in the regulation of various metabolic back control center in the brain after birth, "" said Bobrow. Another study showed, with breast-feeding, body fat will be more burning. Of course to get back into shape, breastfeeding alone is not enough. Note also the eating and activity patterns.

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